Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Camp Grace RODEO!

Yee-hawLet the Rodeo begin!
Roping demonstration by Josh and John-Robert
Juan showing his artistic ability

Camp started with a quick coloring project done by each camper.  'They colored their own "Wanted Poster" that a  surprise photo would be put in.

When the campers were done with their wanted posters they got to go meet a very special bull named Morris. JD a bull fighter brought Morris to Camp Grace to meet the children.  Each and every child was given the opportunity to sit on  Morris or pet the him,  which ever they felt most comfortable with. Pictures were taken of every child as they spent time with Morris. The photos will be placed in their "Wanted Posters" as a reminder of their time with Morris.

Morris the Bull will never know what a great help he was in helping the children work on their therapy goals.   He allowed children to feel him, sit on him, smell him (not that he smelled bad)  and just be next to such a massive animal.    They got to feel how it felt to sit on such a big animal.  Morris helped the children over come fear and gave them the opportunity to gain trust in him, the volunteers and staff.
Joe, Morris and JD the Bull fighter

After all the excitement of spending time with Morris, the children were treated to a roping demonstration.  While the cowboys worked the cattle in the arena, the children and their parent/guardians got to enjoy sitting in the cool shade and watch the show.


When the roping was done the children were treated to a barrel racing demonstration.  Genessee the professional barrel racer came out to Camp Grace to spend time with the kids.  Genessee ran the barrel pattern on her trusty stick horse Speedy.  When she was done all the campers were given the chance to give Speedy a run around the barrels.

Carlee is one fast barrel racer.

Abby running barrels
Ransom doing Barrels with Speedy

John-Robert and Jazmin all smiles
Once everyone ran the barrel pattern it was time for lunch on the farm lawn.  After,  lunch the children were ready for the next Rodeo activities.   Roping and then a  scavenger hunt was the next  on the rodeo schedule.   Each child got to sit in a saddle and try their hand at roping a roping dummy. 
Emmit Roping

Benny is in on the roping

Thomas got his steer.

 The scavenger hunt was a big hit with the children.  They were able to find the pieces they needed for their next craft project.  When they got done with the hunt the children got a surprise at the end.  Each child got an rodeo themed goodie box filled with neat rodeo surprises.

With all the pieces to found for their craft project the campers got to put together their own horse.

Keaton  really like the horse she just finished

Rose and Karen loading the ducks with water
The weather was a bit warm for the children and everyone was getting hot soooo...... it was time for some water play.   We put 150 rubber duckies in the pool that just happened to be squirting ducks.   And the water fight began.  

Everyone was in on the fun!

Watch out Juan is going to get you.

After a every one cooled down in the pool all the children were treated to Italian Ice and cowboy hat and boot shaped cookies.   What a good way to end the day. 
It is great to see an empty wheel chair at Camp Grace!  It means that child is out of their chair joining the fun, working hard.  That is what camp is all about!

There are many more photo's posted on Camp Grace's Facebook page if you would like to view them there.  You can click on any of the photo's in  this blog to enlarge the size.